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Students Club

Clubs in UIET


Institute Name:-UIET
Department Name:-Computer Science and Enginnering
  • Programming Languages (Java,Python,C++)
  • MAD(Mobile Application Development)
  • Web Development (PHP,JavaScript,CSS)
  • Networking
  • Cybersecurity
  • Ethical Hacking
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Digital Marketing
Faculty Coordinator of Club:- Dr.Jagdeep Kaur
Students Coordinator of Club:- Himmat Kumar, Shailen Chhetri, Dipankur

About Club:
This club (UCA)is an initiative so that every student could learn programming according to their area of interest.It is an effort so that every student can explore their interests and so they could choose the right career path adapting the technology best suited to them.In this club anyone willing to share Knowledge can come forward to teach others while learning the same. Here Stusents will teach others while learning the same.Here Students will teach programming to their fellow classmates and club members during their free or provided lectures.In contrast, student of our university will become sound about new technologies and this help them achieve goals in the long run.Guest Lectures and workshops on different technologies will be organized by the club.Different club activites such as student lectures, meetings etc.will take place accordingly,In a nutshell, this club will be very beneficial for the computer society of out university and its students.

  1. Webinar on “Navigating the Evolving landscape of Conversational AI for Digital Health” Click Here
  2. Say No to Smoking and Yes to a Healthier Life Click Here
  3. International Women`s Day Click Here

Name of the Club: Red-Yellow-Blue (RYB) Club

Institute Name:-UIET
Department Name:-Electrical Engineering
Faculty Coordinator :- Er. Neha Kapila
Student Coordinator:- Ms. Preet Suman, Ms. Vishal Thakur

Membership Registration:

The registration for new members will be at start of each semester, with the approval of club faculty co-ordinator.

Rule and Regulations of Club:

  • All the functioning of the club should be under the supervision of faculty co-ordinator.
  • For any proposed activity, the student co-ordinator of the club will prepare a plan and get the proposal approved from the Dean/HoD/CoD/concerned faculty co-ordinator.
  • At least one activity per month will be conducted by the club.
  • There should be proper circulation of information regarding the activity by the office bearers of the club.
  • The concerned faculty co-ordinator will be responsible to keep the records/ documentation of each activity, budget, hospitality etc.

Objectives of the Club:

  • Conduct of co-curricular activities like Electrical Exhibitions, workshop, Quiz, paper and Poster presentations, project exp etc to build competitive skills in the students.
  • Conduct Training programs for students like MATLAB, PLC etc. to acquire hands-on experience in various applications.
  • Raising Awareness through Public Outreach campaigns.

Activities Performed

  1. Technical quiz Competition Click Here
  2. Technical Word Puzzle Competition-2022 Click Here
  3. Workshop on “Industrial Automation- Scope & Future” Click Here
  4. Expert talk on “Role of Artificial Intelligence in Power System” Click Here
  5. Online Expert Talk on “Assistive Bio-Medical Devices” Click Here
  6. One Minute JAM-2023 Click Here
  7. Technical Debate Competition-2023 Click Here
  8. Workshop on "Latest Trends in Factory I/O & Automation" Click Here
  9. Industrial Visit -2023 Click Here
  10. Awareness talk on “National Energy Conservation Day” Click Here
  11. Workshop on “Recent Trends in Industrial Automation” Click Here
  12. “Technical Quiz Competition-2024” Click Here
  13. “Technical Pick & Talk Competition-2024” Click Here

Name of the Club: Dynamic Drillers Club

Institute Name:-UIET
Department Name:-Electrical Engineering
Faculty Coordinator :- Er. Neha Kapila(Assistant Professor, EE)
Faculty Co Co-ordinator:- Er. Arshdeep Singh (Assistant Professor, EE)
Student Co-ordinator:- Kiran Suman (Student B. Tech EE 7th Sem)
Student Co Co-ordinator:- Harninder Singh (Student B. Tech EE 5th Sem)

Membership Registration:

The registration for new members will be at the start of each semester, with the approval of the club faculty co-ordinator.  

Rule and Regulations of Club:

  • All the functioning of the club should be under the supervision of faculty co-ordinator.
  • For any proposed activity, the student co-ordinator of the club will prepare a plan and get the proposal approved from the Dean/HoD/CoD/concerned faculty co-ordinator.
  • At least one activity per month will be conducted by the club.
  • There should be proper circulation of information regarding the activity by the office bearers of the club.
  • The concerned faculty co-ordinator will be responsible to keep the records/ documentation of each activity, budget, hospitality etc.

Objectives of the Club:

  • Conduct of extra-curricular activities in the department of Electrical Engineering.

Activities Performed

  1. Chess competition Click Here
  2. Carrom board competition Click Here
  3. Lemon Spoon Race-2022 Click Here
  4. Suduko-2023 Click Here
  5. Wordshake-2023 Click Here
  6. Cricket Competition Click Here
  7. Tree Plantation Drive Click Here
  8. Chess Competition-2023 Click Here
  9. Carrom Board Competition-2023 Click Here
  10. Push Up Competition -2023 Click Here
  11. Tug of War - 2024 Click Here
  12. Cricket Competition-2024 Click Here
  13. Three Leg Race -2024 Click Here

Name of the Club:NIRMAAN CLUB

Institute Name:UIET
Department Name: Civil Engineering
Faculty Coordinator of Club:- Er. Susheel Kumar, Er. Monika Angral, Mr. Dalvir Singh Manj
Students Coordinator of Club:-6th:Taranjit Kaur, Jaspreet Kaur, Karanpreet Singh, Damanpreet Herra, 4th : Akhil Joria, Sahil Thakur, Varsha, Priyanka Mattu, Dalvir Singh

Rule and Regulations of Club:

  • All the functioning of the club should be under the supervision of teacher coordinator.
  • For any proposed activity, the student coordinator of the club will prepare a plan and get the proposal approved from the dean /concerned teacher coordinator.
  • At least one activity per month will be conducted by the club.
  • Club will undertake any other duty assigned in the interest of University.
  • The concerned student coordinator will be responsible to keep the records/ documentation of every activity, budget, hospitality etc.

Activities & Event

  • To organize technical and literary debates on Weekly basis
  • To organize GD sessions fortnightly.
  • To organize events of model making.
  • Organized a workshop on bridge construction
  • Presented various models in Tech Fest

Activities Performed

  1. Model Exhibition Click Here