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Established vide Punjab Govt. Act No. 6 of 2015 and is recognized by UGC under Section 2(F) of UGC Act, 1956. (ISO 9001:2015)

About Central Library

The Sant Baba Bhag Singh University has a Central Library and branches in the University Institutes; it is the central service unit to facilitate help in creation of new knowledge and information through the Current Awareness Services (CAS), Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI), E-resources, print and non-print resources. The Sant Baba Bhag Singh University Central Library serves as a model of an evolving and dynamic facility in technical learning. The library, as an established knowledge hub that is conveniently accessible by those associated with the University, has a major contribution and making top ranked Academic & Research driven university. The Library’s collection comprises hybrid resources (Print & Electronic) in the field of science and technology, engineering, management, law and hotel management. The Library also has a separate Internet section consisting of a number of networked terminals for providing recent and most comprehensive access to online journals, online databases and other online reference resources to the faculty, students and staff under Intranet and Internet environment. The Central library has automated all its routine activities through library software E-Granthalya, D-Space Institutional repository and also extended the scope of various services like CD-ROM database search, OPAC and Web based OPAC. New Arrivals have Databases of books in English, Hindi and Punjabi Languages. As soon as new books are purchased and processed, their bibliographic description is added in the OPAC. Computer terminals have been dedicated for the readers to use OPAC for their search of books. In addition to OPAC this facility is also available on INTRANET within University Campus to benefit the students/faculty members by giving access to catalogue at their respective departments. The entire library collections including book, e-books, journals, databases can searched and browsed through the Web enabled Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC). Users can access the OPAC to find out the real time availability of books, CDs, Thesis, dissertations etc, from the computer terminals, webpage of the library, faculty and students can hold the library resources which is on Loan. The Library offers computerized Catalogue Search Services though the Web OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue). The bibliographic records consisting of books, pamphlets, reports, Theses and Dissertations are available in the Central Library of Sant Baba Bhag Singh University can be searched through this interface. To access Web OPAC sufficient numbers of PCs are placed in the user’s area.


The mission of our central Library is to provide comprehensive information to fulfill the needs of the Sant Baba Bhag Singh University Central Library community and to support the Institute’s mission to contribute to society through the pursuit of education, teaching, learning and research at premier levels of excellence.


In this preferred future, Library makes certain that its collections remain forward-looking, diverse in print, non-print, e-resources and form. Through promotion, the Library makes its users aware of the resources available to them, and through innovation, it makes access to these resources easier. To serve potential users, the Library conserves information across all formats and ensures effectual storage and deliverance scheme. The Library’s cooperation with expanding circles of associates yields unified access, broadening knowledge, and enhanced services.

Urkund plagiarism checker software

Faculty members, Research scholars, and PG students having the Sant Baba Bhag Singh University Central Library domain email id may contact for availing the facility of plagiarism checker software Urkund.

Major Highlights of Sant Baba Bhag Singh University Central Library

  • Sant Baba Bhag Singh University Central Library academic community is well catered by all departmental libraries.
  • There are more than 10000 e-journals and number of e-books on all subject fields.
  • The Central Library is having sufficient print resources such as books, journals, magazines, maps, drawings and non-print resources like CDs, PODCASTS, Audio/Video collections, case studies, reports and surveys.
  • The Central Library system and Institutional libraries subscribes number of journals, magazines and newspapers.
  • Library system also provides ICT based resources to its users, such as e-books, e-journals, databases. The E-resources subscribed by University Library are J-Gate, DELNET, Shodhganga, Shodhgangotri, INFLIBNET, NDL etc.
  • Central Library of the university also manages finest Institutional Repository for thesis and dissertations.
  • A high-quality number of thesis/dissertations and research reports are available in libraries.
  • In addition books, library system also possesses rare book collection, special reports, reference sources, audio-visual material etc.
  • Library system uses E-Granthalya for handling day to day routine responsibilities of the all the libraries. It makes use of Barcode system for inventory and security of library materials.
  • Academic community is well catered by the Central and as well as all departmental libraries.
  • Library system subscribes number of journals, magazines and newspapers.
  • Central Library of the university also manages an Institutional Repository for thesis and dissertations.
  • A good number of thesis/dissertations and research reports are available in libraries.

Printed and e-journals

Central Library is subscribing Foreign and Indian e-Journals and e-books. The library is a member of DELNET, National Digital Library (NDL), and is subscribing the e-journals and e-books, thesis, audio, video, book series and conference proceedings through J-Gate


Central Library is a member of DELNET(Developing Library Network). This will help the faculty and researchers to procure those books, articles and documents from other educational Institutions through DELNET which are not available in our University.

Computer Section

The library has its own computer section. All library operations such as housekeeping, bibliographic services, cataloguing of new books, preparation of data base of books with complete bibliographical details of all books and serial control are carried out by computer section. Bar-coding of books is being done at a rapid speed in order to make the circulation work fully computerized. It has prepared a number of databases of books, periodicals, manuscripts etc.

Website of Sant Baba Bhag Singh University Library

Sant Baba Bhag Singh University Library has its own webpage. The address of this webpage is This website contains useful information about library services, e-journals and e-books, thesis, audio, video, book series and conference proceedings, subscribed e-journals and list of Ph.D. theses. Website is updated regularly in order to cater the needs of the users

Digital Section

Soft copies of M.Phil dissertations and Ph.D. theses in the form of CDs are deposited, in this section. CDs with books are also available in this section. Students, researchers and faculty members can have access to these CDs in this section.

Project Digitization

Central Library has started the digitalization of the thesis, dissertations, project reports, rare books, manuscripts and important documents are being digitalized and the thesis, dissertations, project reports, rare books, manuscripts and important documents are being preserved through the D-Space institutional repository.

Reading Hall

Central Library has a reading hall, which remains open from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM, Air Conditioners and Blowers have been installed in the reading hall for the convenience of students. Library attendants remains present at every time in the reading hall to provide assistance to the students.

Current Awareness Service

Students, research scholars and faculty members are constantly kept aware of the latest books added to the library through display of selected books and book jackets in the new arrival corner. Thematic displays are also organized on various occasions. ‘Books of the month: bibliographical detail of the books’, is sent to all the departments from time to time in printed form as well as through e-mail. ‘Contents of the Journals’ is a fortnightly service.

Orientation Programmes

Library Orientation Programme is arranged for the new students in the beginning of the session to familiarize them with various library services, sections of the library and their working. Free training to use Internet is also provided to the new students.