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Established vide Punjab Govt. Act No. 6 of 2015 and is recognized by UGC under Section 2(F) of UGC Act, 1956. (ISO 9001:2015)

Department of Civil Engineering

Department of Civil Engineering

Civil engineering is the oldest engineering discipline. Civil engineering addresses to all the aspects of the infrastructure facilities necessary for the modern living in housing such as buildings, transportation system, water supply, urban development etc. The versatile branch of Civil Engineering is often referred to as evergreen branch as new graduation do find job of different kinds/types. The branch offers a wide range of career option in department of Railway, PWD, Highways, Irrigation sectors etc.

Department Vision:

To be an outstanding department devoted to provide high end research, technical education in Civil engineering which will produce socially aware professionals to provide solutions to global community.

Department Mission:

To design curriculum based on changing needs of stakeholders & provide excellence in delivery & assessment to ensure holistic development of civil engineering students. To enhance research & consultancy resulting in solving problems related to civil engineering infrastructure as well as society at large. To mentor students in pursuit of higher education, entrepreneurship and global professionalism.