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Students Club

Clubs in UICM

Name of the Club: RED-X(Redefining Excellence)Club

Institute Name:-UICM
Department Name:-Commerce
Faculty Coordinator of Club:- Dr. Manoj Kumar and Mr. Lovepreet Negi
Students Coordinator of Club:- Ms. Renuka and Ms.Rajveer Kaur

Rule and Regulations of Club:

Membership Registration:

The new Club members are registered on the starting of the session with the approval of existing Faculty Coordinator as well as Students Coordinator of the Club. A student coordinator will inform the students to register for the club and then faculty coordinators will collect the data from them for further proceedings. A list of students those are participating in the club is submitted to the Faculty Coordinator.

Objectives of the Club

Students Will

  • Identify key terms associated with earning money
  • Explore ideas for earning money now
  • Evaluate various career options as sources of future income
  • To aware the general public how to manage their finance related matters.
  • To motivate the youth of the rural areas to take admission in such courses this helps them to earn their livelihood.
  • To motivate the students to invest in stock market.

The following are the activities which are perform in Rural Areas by the Club Members such as:

1. How To Use Plastic Money
2. How To Use E Wallets
3. How To File Income Tax Return

ACTIVITIES REGISTER- to contain a brief description of the activities undertaken by the club with date, place, number of members participated etc and submit the reports to the concerned authorities.

Name of the Club: Galvanizer Club

Institute Name:-UICM
Department Name: Management & Hotel Management
Faculty Coordinator of Club:- Dr.Varinderjeet Singh and Ms.Neha
Students Coordinator of Club:- Ms.Suhani Thaku and Mr. Rouful (MBA), Ms. Palak Singh and Mr. Maninder Singh

Rule and Regulations of Club:

Membership Registration:

Formation of the Club

Two Faculty members appointed by COD/HOD of the Department
Two student members of final year from each program by Faculty In charge.

Objectives of the Club:

  • Right from its inception, it focuses on activities and competitions, enhancing the knowledge and testing the waters of analytical thinking and innovative solutions.
  • This club is Management department guided and student driven initiative that collaborates with both the corporate and academicians.
  • To create a learning environment and enhance the skill sets to develop high end qualities in students as finance professionals.
  • To enhance students and train them to comprehend practical aspects of HR practices in various industries.
  • It is established with the intention of bridging the gap between academics (theoretical knowledge) and industry (practical scenarios).

Following are the activities which are organized and executed by the Club Members:

Name of Faculty In-charge Name of the student Semester/Course Specialization
Dr. Varinderjeet singh Ms. Suhani Thakur & Mr. Rouful MBA 4th semester Finance
Ms.Neha Ms. Palak & Mr. Maninder Singh BBA 6th semester Banking & Insurance Operations

  • The club is on providing professional and social network for students pursuing career in finance. The club emphasis on driving initiatives in the arena of finance and intends to further the cause of finance. They plan for Finance Samithi at IPE, NIVESH, Plastic money, budgetary planning and many more.
  • This club engages students with activities like role play, case study analysis, quiz competitions, debates, group discussions, business games, simulators and many more activities which help students in understanding management practices around the globe.
  • Also timely various eminent experts from academic field and from Industry do visit to give guest lectures.
  • Lastly, the club emphasis on VAC (skills, employability, potential, entrepreneurship).

ACTIVITY REGISTER: It contain a concise description of the activities undertaken by the club in chronological order with number of members participated etc. A brief report about the activities/ events undertaken by the club shall be sent by the Teacher-in-Charge to Club Coordinator. Also the report of events conducted will be uploaded on university website within couple of days.

Name of the Club: SBBSU Hospitalité Club

Institute Name: UICM
Department Name: Management & Hotel Management
Faculty Coordinator of Club: Mr. Jagtar Singh & Mr. Pawan Kumar
Students Coordinator of Club: Balraj Kaur, Angita & Ankush kumar

Rule and Regulations of Club:

Membership Registration:

The new Club members are registered on the starting of the session with the approval of existing Faculty Coordinator as well as Students Coordinator of the Club. A student coordinator will inform the students to register for the club and then faculty coordinators will collect the data from them for further proceedings.

Objectives of the Club:

  • To provide the proper guidance to the students as well as youth regarding hospitality industry.
  • To provide training and placement opportunities in hospitality sector.

The club proposes to undertake following activities to develop industrial skills among students.

  • Chef and Bar competition.
  • Food & Beverage service to university guest.

  • Industrial visit to hotel and Airport.
  • Cleaning awareness activities.
  • Food festivals.
  • Training and placement seminars.

ACTIVITY REGISTER: The Activity register contain a brief description of the activities undertaken by the club with date, place, number of members participated etc and submit the reports to the concerned authorities.