Notice Regarding Submission of Post Matric Scholarship Amount   Click here       Circular submit the list of students who have applied for Post Matric Scholarship Scheme t o SC/ST/OBC but have left the studies or not registered in current semester   Click here       Notice Regarding ONE TIME REGISTRATION (OTR) for Post Matric Scholarship Scheme to Sc,Punjab   Click here      
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Established vide Punjab Govt. Act No. 6 of 2015 and is recognized by UGC under Section 2(F) of UGC Act, 1956. (ISO 9001:2015)

Library Sections

Circulation Section

Circulation Section located on the ground Floor. The timings of Check-out and check-in of books is from 9.00 AM to 6.00 PM on weekdays.

Book Bank Section

Book-Bank Books are issued needy students for the whole semester. The timings of issue and return of books is from 9.00 AM to 6.00 PM. on weekdays.

Reference and Readers' Advisory Service

The Reference Desk is on the ground floor of the Library. This service is available for all.

Acquisition & Technical Section

Acquisition Section is located on the ground floor of the Library, this section acquires and prepares books and other reading material selected by the faculty members and recommended by the Heads of various Departments. In technical section, the reading materials technically processed and are made available for use on the stacks.

Periodical Section

The Periodical Section is located on the first floor of the Library. This section provides current information and also subscribes journals, magazines and newspapers. The opening hours of the section are from 9.00 AM to 9.00 PM.

Computer Section

This section is located on the ground floor of the Library. All the important servers for Koha, Digital Library, E-Resources, E-databases, E-Learning, and others accessories are kept in this section. This section manages the working process of the entire Computer System of the Library.

Research Desk

This section is exclusively meant of the research scholars for providing them latest and updated e-resources, e-databases, digital and electronic information and data for assistance in their research work.