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Established vide Punjab Govt. Act No. 6 of 2015 and is recognized by UGC under Section 2(F) of UGC Act, 1956. (ISO 9001:2015)

Department of Physical Sciences

Salient Features

  • The Department is blessed to have specialized faculty in various fields of Physical Sciences viz. Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics.
  • The Department keeps its students abreast of latest advancements in technology through computer facilities, e-learning, virtual labs.
  • The Department updates curricula on a regular basis to ensure that students keep up with the changing trends of education and research. The syllabi of courses are well designed to equip students to qualify competitive exams such as GATE, UGC- NET / SLET, TIFR etc.
  • The Department has well equipped laboratories with a number of instrumental facilities such as muffle furnance, digital water bath, polarimeter, ultrasonic interferometer, ballistic galvanometer, deflection and vibration magnetometer, ESR, Four Probe Apparatus, Michelson Interferometer apparatus, Hall Effect Apparatus, Planck Constant Apparatus, turbiditimeter, Abbs refractrometer, centrifuge, digital weighing balance/ spring balance, magnetic plate with stirrer, pH meter, conductometer, flame photometer, colorimeter etc.
  • Students and teacher’s participation in international, national, state and regional conferences, seminars along with industry aligned expert interactions are key features of the department.
  • Curricular and co-curricular activities are well balanced in the teaching learning environment to provide holistic education to the students.