Notice Regarding Registration for One Time Registration (OTR) fpr PMS scheme to SC , Punjab   Click here       Notice Regarding Apply and Correction for PMS to SC/ST/OBC belonging to Himachal Pradesh.   Click here       Notice Regarding Rescheduling of End Semester Examination   Click here      
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Established vide Punjab Govt. Act No. 6 of 2015 and is recognized by UGC under Section 2(F) of UGC Act, 1956. (ISO 9001:2015)

Department of Law


  • To cherish the students for understanding the fundamental legal system and key role of lawyers in that system.
  • To provide students with the best learning environment.
  • To conduct legal research.
  • To make the students read, understand and use statutes and other enacted rules to solve legal problems or construct legal arguments.
  • To make the students read, understand and use cases studies to construct legal arguments.
  • To impart legal education on the line to learn techniques of persuasive written advocacy.
  • To learn the law and legal principles in a variety of subject areas as well as understand legal procedures and practices.To recognize and apply the ethical rules and standards of conduct involved in the practice of law and to be observed by paralegals.
  • To expand basic skills in factual investigation and interviewing.