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Established vide Punjab Govt. Act No. 6 of 2015 and is recognized by UGC under Section 2(F) of UGC Act, 1956. (ISO 9001:2015)

Roles and Responsibilities of a Gender Champion

The responsibilities of the Gender Champion will include the following:

  1. Provide overall guidance to the peer group in integrating /mainstreaming gender in all activities of the Institution in the form of focused group discussions, debates, poster competitions etc.
  2. Promote Gender Champion Club in their educational institutions and undertake innovative activities, like competitions to analyze greeting cards from gender perspective, organize film fest on gender’ equity etc.
  3. Organize awareness programmes on various gender issues including legislations to influence behavior change. This could be facilitated through workshops' theme-based plays, painting competition, etc.
  4. Organize exposure visits to various public service institutions at the village, block, district and city level (public health centres, hospitals, post offices, banks, police stations, block office to facilitate knowledge about gender issues as they affect diverse populations.
  5. Popularize phone numbers of such services as police helpline, women helpline, hospitals among students.
  6. Arrange for providing necessary Iife skill education and information/guidance about existing public services to their fellow students.
  7. Demonstrate knowledge of important Government schemes, events, legislation, and court rulings which has a major impact on the treatment and experiences of diverse groups.
  8. Document best practices to measure the extent of behaviour change and display the same through exhibitions, fests, annual magazines etc.