Notice Regarding Submission of Post Matric Scholarship Amount   Click here       Circular submit the list of students who have applied for Post Matric Scholarship Scheme t o SC/ST/OBC but have left the studies or not registered in current semester   Click here       Notice Regarding ONE TIME REGISTRATION (OTR) for Post Matric Scholarship Scheme to Sc,Punjab   Click here      
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Established vide Punjab Govt. Act No. 6 of 2015 and is recognized by UGC under Section 2(F) of UGC Act, 1956. (ISO 9001:2015)

Key Priority Areas

For the assurance of the sustainable environment goal, the key areas of focus shall be:
-Transforming the campus into ECO-Campus by enhancing the beauty of the university campus.
-Solid Waste management through compost program.
-Conservation and Judicial utilization of Energy.
-Installation of Solar Panels.
-Rainwater harvesting Projects.
-Provision of a safe and healthy environment for the staff and students.
-Organizing awareness campaigns to make the students and staff environment conscious.
Sensitizing the communities in the vicinity regarding the adverse effects of their activities on the environment.
-Integrating sustainable development and environmental management courses in the curriculum of the students.
-Establishment of multidisciplinary research projects to tackle the environmental issues at local, national and global levels.
-Incorporation of Green Audit as an indicative tool to measure the implementation of sustainable development of the university.