Date: 14-02-2023
Waste management is a major concern in current scenario. There are multiple route of generation of waste which is accumulating on earth especially due to bad practices and poor management practices. As an awareness campaign, NSS Unit of University Institute of Sciences with collaboration of Department of Physical sciences, SBBSU have conducted an awareness drive on “THINK BEFORE YOUR TRASH” in SBBSU campus to aware students, supporting staff, mess workers, Hostel facility staffs. This awareness drive was initiated from 14th Febreuary 2023 in Seminar hall, block 5, and further conducted on every Tuesday in every academic/residential block of SBBSU permises.
Activity In charges of University Institute of Sciences: Mr. Jujhar Singh, Mr. Rajesh Rahilya have coordinated for the successful accomplishment of the event.
69 students from the various departments participated in this inaugural session.
Dr Shweta Singh, Dean UIS has shared her views and highlighted the significance of waste management, ways of segregation waste at the primary stage to avoid accumulation of garbage as well as to avoid communication of different microbial infections generated from such waste.
Dr Nisha Sharma, HOD, Physical Sciences has highlighted different modes of generation of waste, type of waste and segregation methods. She has motivated NSS volunteers of UIS to take a pledge to minimize use of single use plastic and start this campaign with full energy for the well being of society and nation.
Students have learned various methods of waste management.
This session was highly informative for all.