Date: 15-09-2021
To celebrate the ‘International Day of Democracy’ a Declamation Contest was organized by theDepartment of History of UIH on 15thSep 2021 from 12:00 to 1:30 pm. Dy. Dean Dr. Mandeep Singh delivered the welcome address to all the faculty members and students. After that Ms. Rajwinder Kaur,In-Charge of Department of History addressed the audience with her valuable thoughts on Democracy. The stage was very well convened by Ms. Rajwinderkaur. One by one the participants were called uponstage to speak on the topic. Students, especially girls participated enthusiastically in the event. The event highlighted the various aspects of Democracy, which made it highly informative. The organizing committee members i.e., Ms. Priyanka and Ms. Kulwinder Kaur of Department of History ensured that the event was conducted as per the plan. At last, the name of thewinners of the contest were announced by Mr. Abhinav from Department of English. Harman Kaur of M.A. English 3rd Semester was adjudged first. Dr. Parampreet Singh of Department of Physical Education, thanked all the faculty members and students involved in the successful conduct of the event.