Sant Baba Bhag Singh University Celebrated the Independence day on 13/08/2022 with great Fan Fare. The Independence day celebrations were held at the Sant Baba Bhag Singh Educational Complex. In this event the Chief Guest was Chancellor Sant Baba Sarwan Singh ji. The Independence Day celebrations started with the Shabad Gyan which was beautifully sung by the students of the Sant Baba Bhag Singh International School. After this the Chief Guest Sant Baba Sarwan singh ji was presented the bouquet of flowers by the Vice-Chancellor Prof. Dharmjit Singh Parmar,S. Hardaman Singh Secretary Sant Baba Bhag Singh University, Ranjit Singh Principal of the Sant Baba Bhag Singh International School. After this the National Flag was unfurl off by the Chief Guest Chancellor Sant Baba Sarwan Singh ji, Vice-Chancellor Prof. Dharmjit Singh Parmar,S. Hardaman Singh Secretary Sant Baba Bhag Singh University, Ranjit Singh Principal of the Sant Baba Bhag Singh International School. Thereafter the beautiful prade was done by NCC cadets of the Sant Baba Bhag Singh University, after this the colourful and beautiful dance and other performances were done on the tune of the patriotic songs by the student of the Sant Baba Bhag Singh International School. At the end the Vice-Chancellor Prof. Dharmjit Singh Parmar gave his speech he told how India got freedom, told about our many freedom fighters like Mahatma Ghandi Ji, Jawaharlal Nehru Ji, Subash Chander Bose etc. He also told about that the role of freedom fighters and movements like Ghadris,Swadeshi Movement,Satyagraha movement, Khilafat Movement and Non-Co-operation Movement. On this occasion Sardar Joginder Singh, Sardar Pritpal Singh, Sardar Amarjeet Singh committee members, Ranjit Singh Principal of the Sant Baba Bhag Singh International School, Baljit Singh Vice-Principal of the Sant Baba Bhag Singh International School, all deans, officials, faculty members, staff of Sant Baba Bhag Singh University were present.